Education & Outreach
Educating the community about the benefits of land conservation and stewardship practices for source water protection.
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Education & Outreach Workgroup
Successful Landowner Outreach (Conservation): At least one conservation easement initiated on priority lands annually as a result of our outreach efforts.
Successful Landowner Outreach (Stewardship): At least three landowners will implement conservation practices on priority lands annually as a result of our outreach efforts.
Public Outreach: Reach 1,000 members of the public about the connection between land conservation, conservation practices, and source water protection through at least two outreach campaigns annually.
Evaluate Communications: Improve communications through annual evaluation of internal and external communication tools and mechanisms.
The Education & Outreach Workgroup is comprised of the following members (listed alphabetically):
Canaan Valley Institute
Downstream Project
Jefferson County Extension Office
Jefferson County Water Advisory Committee
Land Trust of the Eastern Panhandle
WV Rivers Coalition