Meeting Documents
December 20, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
September 27, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
June 29, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
December 15, 2021 - Meeting Notes.
September 13th, 2021 - Meeting Notes.
May 27th, 2021 - Meeting Notes. The Education & Outreach Workgroup met to discuss implementation of their recently-approved Strategies, including new conservation landowner legacy videos. Next steps include identifying conservation easement landowners that may be able to assist with outreach, including the development of landowner legacy videos, as well as setting up a meeting with a water utility to work together on conservation strategies.
February 19th, 2021 - Meeting Notes. Cadmus Group facilitated a strategic planning conversation to set partner-supported Strategies, based in part off of partner's Jamboard brainstorming responses. The Workgroup will continue these conversations offline over the course of the next month via 1:1 conversations and emails.
January 8th, 2021 - Meeting Notes. Education & Outreach Workgroup and interested partners met to evaluate the postcard campaign and discus potential future outreach opportunities, including an infographic to share conservation easement statistics within drinking water protection areas in 2020. The group agreed on pursuing this strategy, seeks to finalize the design by Tuesday, January 12th, and aims to publish the infographic in the January 2021 Intake newsletter.
January 4th, 2021 - Postcard featuring Tom Gleason was sent to the same ~750 landowners as the intial postcard on October 6th; Floyd Kursey's postcard on November 4th; and Linda Case's postcard on December 2nd.
December 2nd, 2020 - Postcard featuring Linda Case was sent to the same ~750 landowners as the initial postcard on October 6th and the Floyd Kursey Postcard on November 24th.
November 24th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Cadmus Group facilitated a strategic planning conversation to set workgroup-specific Objectives, based in part off of a short set of "conversation starter" survey responses. The Workgroup loosely discussed ideas on a shared whiteboard, which Cadmus Group then edited into first draft Objectives for the Workgroup to review and finalize.
November 5th, 2020 - Postcard featuring Floyd Kursey was sent to the same ~750 landowners as the initial postcard on October 6th.
October 13th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The logo development subcommittee approved the final logo in multiple orientations. We have documented the entire process in this document. This is the last official action of the ad-hoc logo development subcommittee, which is now disbanded.
October 6th, 2020 - As part of our fall outreach campaign, sent approximately 750 postcards to the targeted landowners from our GIS Prioritization Model that have parcels greater than twenty acres in size and within drinking water protection areas. Sent a press release to local newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations to amplify our impact. Postcard reach by water utility - Berkeley County PSWD, Charles Town Utility Board, City of Martinsburg, Harpers Ferry Water Works, Jefferson Utilities Inc., and Shepherdstown Water and Sanitary Board. Saw an uptick in website traffic, as measured by Google Analytics.
September 28th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The logo development subcommittee met to review the focus group results with feedback from internal & external sources, as well as landowners with conservation easements. We have selected a final design and will work to explore potential new color combinations.
September 18th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The logo development subcommittee met with Bill Howard from Downstream Project to see their updated designs based on our requests from September 10th. We now have three final designs that we will seek internal & external feedback on before the subcommittee makes a final decision. We will meet back on Friday, September 25th to continue the conversation.
September 11th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Members of the Education & Outreach Workgroup were joined by other Collaborative partners to discuss specific opportunities for short-term outreach that we can conduct by October 2020. The group decided to focus on a targeted postcard campaign to the 1,100 prioritized landowners from our GIS Prioritization Model. Leading up to that mailing, we will review the content on the website, potentially create a Collaborative video that says who we are, and also do a press release about our outreach campaign once the postcards are sent out. This gantt chart has the full details on our timeframe.
September 10th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The logo development subcommittee met with Bill Howard from Downstream Project to review the next iteration of our logo based on the notes we provided to them on August 19th. The subcommittee chose a design that we all liked to focus on moving forward. We will continue to work with Downstream Project to refine this design with a few remaining explorations.
September 2nd, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The workgroup reviewed our grant-funded objectives & success from 2019-2020 and then evaluated what's working for us, what challenges we've encountered, and what opportunities exist moving forward. We'll draw upon this conversation as we move forward with developing our Education & Outreach Workgroup Objectives during the strategic planning process.
August 19th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The logo development sub-committee met to discuss our process to date, as well as our hopes & expectations moving forward in the process. The group agreed on our preference for a custom drawn line art image that can stand alone and be self-explanatory without text. Decided that our next meeting will take a hybrid approach that leaves equal time for presentation and Q&A with the logo designer, as well as processing time for the sub-committee to deliberate internally.
August 6th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Bill Howard from Downstream Project presented the logo development subcommittee with 8 logo design concept studies for the group to discuss. Bill will take all of our ideas and refine the logo design concept studies to present to us again at our next meeting.
July 2nd, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The group discussed next steps needed to publish our first monthly newsletter, "The Intake". We then approved a list of who we will be sending our initial outreach letters to in the coming weeks. We will schedule our next meeting for either August or September.
June 29th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Logo development subcommittee finalized the "Logo Questionnaire". The members reviewed after the meeting and approved this version that will be sent to Downstream Project so they can begin designing the logo.
June 22nd, 2020 - Meeting Notes. A three-member logo development sub-committee of the Education & Outreach Workgroup met with Downstream Project to begin discussing the development of a Collaborative logo. We reviewed our process, discussed the Planning for Success survey results regarding logo design & associated word-clouds, and began answering the questions on Downstream Project's "Logo Questionnaire".
June 11th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The workgroup agreed on a process for developing a Collaborative logo, and three members agreed to serve on an ad-hoc subcommittee to review ideas, work with our designer on drafting a logo, and approving final product. We discussed in-depth the most successful strategies for reaching out to the 37 top-tier landowners from our prioritization model and began developing an approach for deciding whom the letter would come from, based on information from a recent report on "Understanding Rural Attitudes Toward the Environment and Conservation in America" in regards to the most trusted sources of environmental information.
May 14th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The primary discussion was the best ways for us to conduct outreach to the 37 top-tier landowners from our prioritization model. We also discussed multiple general updates at the beginning of the meeting, including survey results regarding comments on the priorization story map & digital map. Members of the group are working on creating content for the Landowners page of the website, as well as a logo for the Collaborative.
April 16th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The group discussed our next steps for hosting landowner outreach events while taking into consideration the impacts of COVID-19. David Lillard from the Collaborative's Steering Committee provided the group some notes on landowner outreach during COVID-19. The group will meet again in mid-May.
February 12th, 2020 - Joint meeting with Conservation Workgroup. Meeting notes reflect our major talking points, which included an update on a Conservation Financing Workshop in December 2019 (agenda, notes, and finance strategies graphic), as well as a discussion on Conservation Easement Quick Facts to convey in our landowner outreach in 2020.
January 14th, 2020 - Met to discuss the results of our "who-knows-who" survey of 37 top tier property parcels from the GIS Prioritization Model (v1). From those surveys results, created a landowner outreach matrix that assigned a primary contact from the Collaborative for each top-tier property parcel. Full meeting notes here.
December 18th, 2019 - Education & Outreach workgroup had their first meeting to review priority actions to accomplish by the end of April 2020. Presentation was given to review those objectives, as well as the GIS Prioritization Model v1. The group decided to have a special planning meeting in January 2020, as well as a joint meeting with Conservation Workgroup in February 2020. Full meeting notes here.