Local Contacts
Meet our partners! All of these local conservation contacts are available to answer your questions about the benefits of land conservation. Ask us anything you'd like to know about voluntary conservation easements. We're here to help!
Area: Berkeley County
Interest: Farmland & agriculture
Contact: Mark Schiavone at berkeley@wvfp.org or 304-260-3770Â
Area: Jefferson County
Interest: Farmland & agriculture
Contact: Liz Wheeler at jefferson@wvfp.org or 304-724-1414
Area: Jefferson, Berkeley, and Morgan Counties
Interest: Donated easements
Contact: Bonnie Stubblefield
Area: Back Creek Valley in Berkeley County
Interest: Streams & Forests
Contact: Alyssa Murray at murray@potomac.org or 301-608-1188 ext. 212
Area: Jefferson County
Interest: Historic properties
Contact: Martin Burke at martinburke@frontiernet.net or 304-876-3883
Area: State-wide
Interest: Donated easements
Contact: Adam Webster at Adam@wvlandtrust.org or 304-400-1266