Meeting Documents
December 16, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
September 7, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
June 24, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
March 22, 2022 - Meeting Notes.
October 25, 2021 - Meeting Notes.
July 13, 2021 - Meeting Notes.
February 4th, 2021 - Meeting Notes. Cadmus Group facilitated a strategic planning conversation to set partner-supported Strategies, based in part off of partner's Jamboard brainstorming responses. The Workgroup will continue these conversations offline over the course of the next month via 1:1 conversations and emails.
December 2nd, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Cadmus Group facilitated a strategic planning conversation to set workgroup-specific Objectives, based in part off of a short set of "conversation starter" survey responses. The Workgroup loosely discussed ideas on a shared whiteboard, which Cadmus Group then edited into first draft Objectives for the Workgroup to review and finalize.
September 8th, 2020 - The Stewardship & Conservation Workgroups scheduled for a joint meeting, which was then cancelled. We will wait until completion of our strategic planning process in approximately June 2021 to determine if implementation of the BMP Toolkit is a targeted strategy for either of the workgroup's action plans. If conversations do resume, we can focus on the questions in this presentation.
July 20th, 2020 - Voted to approve the BMP Toolkit (v1) via a digital survey. We consider this a first version that will be modified over time as we learn more about how implementation works in the field. We plan to host a training for easement monitors in August 2020 so that the toolkit can be incorporated into the fall/winter monitoring season beginning in October 2020. The toolkit consists or three documents:
Conservation Survey - short-form for carbon copy paper and long-form with program descriptions.
July 8th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Met with intention of approving BMP Toolkit (short-form carbon-copy version of Conservation Survey; long-form with programs; and Educational Brochure). A full history of this conversation and our next steps provided in this document. Due to limited number of people on call, will make final determination via a digital survey.
May 26th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. Joint meeting with the Conservation Workgroup to discuss the BMP Toolkit, including the Conservation Survey and Educational Brochure. Our tentative plan is to make final revisions to these documents by July, schedule a training for easement monitors in August/September, and then implement when monitoring kicks off again in October 2020.
March 9th, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The group formerly changed our name to the "Stewardship Workgroup". Based on survey results, we updated our Conservation Survey and Educational Brochure. At our next meeting in May, we plan to finalize these two documents as our "BMP Toolkit" and work with the Conservation Workgroup to develop a workflow for implementation.
January 22nd, 2020 - Meeting Notes. The group discussed survey results on the first draft of our BMP Toolkit, comprised of a "decision matrix" for easement monitors to use during their annual monitoring visit, as well as an "educational brochure" for the landowners. We reviewed opportunities to improve these documents to discuss at our next meeting.
October 28th, 2019 - Meeting Notes. First official meeting of the BMP Workgroup. Discussed the best conservation practices for water quality. Developed a plan for developing BMP Toolkit.